Super Space Fuel Inc.

Platform: DOS (EGA)
Release date: 2021
Code: Peter Boné (sBeam)
Graphics: Richard Schmidbauer (VisionVortex)
Additional Graphics: Peter Boné (sBeam)
Music: Marc van den Bovenkamp (No-XS)
Adlib Player: Jens-Christian Huus (JCH)
Dev tools: Borland Turbo C.
Super Space Fuel Inc. is my homeage to all the early PC EGA games i grew up playing.
Even though they are technically limited compared to the later VGA games, i just really loved the EGA look and the memories it triggered in me.
It was also really fun to develop something for a planar graphics mode, and really dig into old litterature about EGA. Along the way i read
Programmers Guide to the EGA, VGA and Super VGA cards and found an old copy of Michael Abrash's Black Book of Graphics Programming in a charity shop in the US, that i had to get a friend to pick up and mail me (Thanks Tim!).
Everything is developed directly on a 486@33Mhz in Turbo C.